Monday, October 27, 2008

ON YOUR MARK, GET SET,..........GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When we was in TN for the pony pulling there was other activites going on. They were having a possum race. Yes, live possums was used but don't worry , they wasn't harmed during this nor was the kids or adults. This is where you catch a possum and race it. They had a track built about 20ft and you could race your possum against someone else's possum. Last year we raced a possum but this year we just bet on some. If you won the first heat, then you went on to the second heat, this continued until only one possume was left and that was the winner. I know, the things we Southerns do for fun. Boy, us rednecks sure know how to have fun, don't Now, about the mullet. I know some of ya'll have wondered about what the business in the front and party in the back mean. It's the describtion of the haircut. It's short in the front, which we call the business cut and in the back it's way longer. So that's where the party in the back come from.


Renie Burghardt said...

LOL! Thanks for the explanation, Laura!

I have a pet possum. Well, she comes on my deck every night and I give her a hot dog. I buy these cheap hot dogs, just for her. Well, I think it's a her. lol.

The race looks like fun!

Have a great day.


Tina Leavy said...

LOL our family once had a pet possum when I was a kid.we only kept it for a little while and then donated it to an outdoor zoo/kids outdoor classroom facility.
hey./.stop by my blog to pick up your award:0) hugs, Tina