Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Sunday morning my cell phone rung and I looked at the number, guess who was calling?!! JON BRANDON!!!!! My hands were shaking sooooo bad I couldn't hardly answer it. It was wonderful to hear his voice. He is making it good and counting the days till he can come home. I just cried after I hung up.He wanted me to thank all of you who have sent letters and for all your prayers. I didn't make it to Melissa's funeral but did send some flowers. As of yesterday, I still don't know what caused the fire. I do know that her kids are having a hard time dealing with it all. Please continue to pray for her family. Yesterday found me and Tessa working the ponies. We have 2 more pullings left. This Saturday we will be in TN and then the last Saturday of this month we will have our championship pull here in Pontotoc. After that, they will put out into the pasture and we won't start working them again until March. I still have my days where I cry but the days are not like they use to be. I try to stay busy and pray that will take my mind off of things. Rain has moved in here last night and when I got up this morning it was still raining. Sure wish we could have had this kind of rain a month ago. Hopefully with this rain, the grass will grow some in the pasture. The temps here have been nice, cool at night and the days are in the 70's and some 80's. I can handle these temps, I just don't do well when they get colder than that.


Tina Leavy said...

hey there,
glad ya heard from your boy.:0)
glad that you are doing better. yayness!
hope you have a great week!
hugs to ya,

Day4plus said...

I'm so glad you got to talk with JB. How wonderful. Said a few prayers for Melissa'a family. Thanks for visiting my blog. Before Kylee and her mom moved back home thaey lived at Diamond D ranch and what Kylee did when she came home from school is ride horses. That kid is a hard worker. She had to ride everyday except Sat and on Sunday she gave lessons to little kids and she is only 13 now. I;m glad she is here--she can be a kid for awhile. If you have time comment on her blog. she says nobody does. Don't pay any attention to her spelling. lol MB

Patty said...

Oh I am all for cold weather and looking forward to it

Aunt Jenny said...

I am so glad you heard from JB too...we will have to be army mom's together now..I am so grateful for your remarks on my blog. I know I am NOT the only worried Mom..but it is hard to calm down. Hang in there!!
Great ride by the way!!
Love, Jenny

ancient one said...

Haven't been here in a few days... Seems like a lot has been going on... Sorry to hear about the fire... Glad you got to hear from JB.. You are doing the right thing by staying busy!!

Renie Burghardt said...

Dear Laura,

I'm so glad that you heard from your son. It must be so hard for you. But keeping busy helps a little. I know it helps me when I am trying to keep my mind off of worries.

So very sad about the fire.

Take care, and God bless!
