Friday, December 28, 2007


As I look back into this past year, alot of things has went on in my life. I don't always share everything that is going on in my life , some things are just too personal. I have had joy and I have had heartbreak this past year. My Grandmother use to say that whatever happens on New Years Day , it's what the coming year will be like. That day, my video camera was broke and it seemed as the year went on alot of things ended up broken. First my Mare was injuryed and we didn't know if she would ever be able to compete again. Then the place where I work at had a lay off and I was out of a job for awhile. That ended up with some bills that wasn't getting paid and it caused alot of stress on my marriage and family life. Then I watched a wonderful guy come home to be buried from the war. I watched my son leave for the military. That was some of the bad, the good is I laid everything at God's feet and left them there for him. I did try to take my problems back and tried to fix them myself and things just kept getting worse. So once again, I gave them to him and left them there. He did take care of them and the valleys that I went through only made me stronger and faith deeper. My mare is doing great, the job, well, who knows with it, the bills are getting paid. My marriage is stronger, we still have our problems but hey, what marriage doesn't. My family is closer than ever plus it has grown and still growing. My heart is at peace with JB in the military and with everything else. I have meet some wonderful friends from different places and have been trully blessed by everyone of them. So whatever is thrown at me in 2008, I know that with God's help I will come out stronger than when I went in. I'm looking forward to 2008. Who knows what it will bring. My prayers for you, my friends, is that 2008 will bring you and yours wonderful blessings. I have alot of things on my list to do for the coming year. Will I get them done? Who knows,? I do know that I plan on having a heck of a good time trying to get those things done. Lets see, I plan on having the other horses running barrels, getting the yard and garden up to par, upping the bloodlines on my goats, want to start seeing a profit from the farm, spending more time with my family, being there for my family and friends, getting rid of clutter here at the house, doing more rodeos and pony pullings, going on a cattle drive, getting my body back into shape( now, that should be fun) and playing with my two new little great neice or nephews that I'm getting. Yup, two more rug rats to run after. One comes in March and the other comes in July. See, 2008 is looking GREAT!!!!!!!


Tina Leavy said...

wishing you the best in '08 too. I hope that this will be a good year for all of us.

BClark said...

Thank you for sharing, at times that helps to make it better. I am with you in the valleys we have to trudge through. I think we come out better for that, although some times it is hard to belive at the time. I wish you happiness in your to do list, sometimes it is the journey rather then the finish that is fun.

Patty said...

Hope the new years day brings the very best to you and yours, and that from that the entire year be filled with good things

Karen H. said...

Good Evening Laura,
We have had some bad times in 2007 here as well. We are in that valley now. I'm praying that God will bring us up out of that valley and closer to him. "THANK YOU" for sharing this with us. I do hope that 2008 will be a better year for you and yours. Take care my friend and have a great evening. May God Bless You and Yours.

Love & Hugs,
Karen H.

Day4plus said...

Stuff happens as the saying sorta goes. We all hope for the best and that is how I try to look at life. SO--2008 here we come--eyes wide open. ENJOY MB

Renie Burghardt said...

Dear Laura,

Lovely post. May the year 2008 bring many blessings, to you and your wonderful family. May God bless you all!

Happy New Year!

Love and Hugs,


Ms. Anne said...

Have a wonderful New Year! I won't wish you too many interesting times, just happy ones.

Beemoosie said...

What a beautiful post, Laura! It shows what a wonderful woman you are! So glad I can call you friend!
Praying for blessings in 2008!

Karen H. said...

Good Morning Laura,
I'm just dropping by to wish you and yours a "HAPPY NEW YEAR" from our Family. I hope and pray that 2008 will be a great and wonderful year for you and yours. Take care my friend and have a great Monday. May God Bless You and Yours.

Love & Hugs,
Karen H.