Monday, May 5, 2008

The reason I posted the earlier post was because there was some of us girls talking today and they started fussing and *bitching* about how things were probably fixing to get and yet they still go out get their nails done, go clothes shopping, eat out every night, well, you know the kind. When I made the comment about spending money like they do they looked at me like I had a second head. I told them how I was raised and maybe one way to save money was to start cooking, spend only what you needed to and how I thought they could cut back. When I told them I had a garden every summer and that I canned, they laughed and then started making snide comments. I tried to explain to them that I enjoyed and loved the way of life I lead. So they started asking questions and when I answered, OMG, did they get defensive. I got told I was a little backwards and I needed to get with the program and move on. I was stuck in a generation that no longer existed. Sorry to tell them, but yes it does exist. I told them to get on the computer go to and just take a look around and then tell me that it (going back to simpler ways of life) doesn't exist. I can't wait till tomorrow and see what they have to say for I know there will be 2 of them that will look up the site. HMMMM..... you think they may convert to our way of thinking.?lol


Tina Leavy said...

it is very shallow minds that pick apart another persons way of my honest opinion.
don't let it get to you.
we are blessed to enjoy the "simpler/backwards" things.
Be proud least you know where the food on your table comes from..and it aint c D's.
you go girl!

ancient one said...

You are blessed to know how to take care of yourself. My older neighbor used to sit and talk about if depression happened again, so many people wouldn't know what to do.

I've read history and you know what, the town cousins visited the country cousins a lot in the last depression... they found out where the food was and who could help them when their jobs ran out...

I hope things don't get that desperate again as I'm older now and we don't have as big a garden as we did when I was younger. I still know how to can food. My older neighbor taught me how!

You might find that you can teach your so smart friends a thing or two..LOL