Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The weather the past two days has been unbelieveable. Yesterday the temps got up in the 70's and today has been the same way. The weather man is saying that we are in for a rough night. There seems to be a line of storms that are coming from Louisiana headed straight toward us and this could produce tornados. I have been trying to get everything done here in case we have to head for the storm house. It thunders and my gibblet tail heads there. I did catch Dass yesterday and give her a bath. She acted like she was so proud of getting the winter dirt off her for she just pranced around. I have raised the windows in the house to air it out and I'm loving the temps. Not too thrilled about what tonight could bring but I'm sure enjoying the warmer weather.
We have had enough leftovers from Sunday night that I haven't had to cook these past two days. YIPPEE!!! We cooked boiled shrimp, meatballs, cocktail weenies, rotel potatos, cream cheese dip, chips, pork b-b-q, and hero subs along with sausage balls. I sent one of the boys to get the stuff to do sausage balls and I even wrote everything down and he came back with hamburger meat instead of sausage. Hello, is hamburger meat spelled s-a-u-s-a-g-e? We had a good laugh about it.
When I was in college at Ole Miss, I would see Eli Manning on campus and everyone was like ," OH, there is Eli." I was like who is Eli. He didn't impress me none but everyone on campus thought he was something. He was just an guy who had a cocky attitude who thought he was it. He looked like a pimp with his little hoochie mommies hanging on to him. Just my opinion. Now, if it had been someone like J.D. Mooney, or someone like that , yea , that would have caught my attention. lol
I don't follow football that closely but who would have thought that two brothers would have superbowl rings in two years?


Karen H. said...

Good Evening Laura,
We are under a Tornado Watch until Midnight here. It is starting to fire up just to the West of us. I am scared to death but I am trying to hold it together for the girls. We don't have a storm cellar here where we live at now. If we have to, we will go to the other house and use the storm cellar there. I hope yall don't get anything severe. The temperatures here the last couple of days has been warm as well. Both days it's gotten up to 72 degrees. I've had my A/C on since yesterday. Sounds like yall had plenty to eat on Super Bowl Sunday. I had to laugh out loud at the guys getting hamburger meat instead of SAUSAGE. LOL. That was just too funny. I'm not a big football fan either. I don't keep up with who is playing who either. I had to laugh out loud again at calling Manning a hoochie. ROFLMBO. Sounds like a pimp to me. LOL. Take care my friend and have a great evening. Stay safe. May God Bless You and Yours.

Love & Hugs,
Karen H.

Karen H. said...

Good Early Morning Laura,
I'm just dropping by to check on yall. I hope yall didn't get any of those Tornadoes. We didn't either. We just got some rain and a little wind here. I have put up a new post about some of the storm damages in Arkansas and Tennessee as well. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.

Love & Hugs,
Karen H.

Got 2 Trot Librarian said...

HAHAHA, I love the Eli Manning comments! It's a strange world where Eli Manning is Super Bowl MVP.

Beemoosie said...

Hey Laura,
We'll be praying for your safety! Your connection to Manning is funny..."gifted" athletes can develop that attitude, as my 13 year old son is learning. My parents went to school with the Giants head coach. I don't think they thought much of him either!!

Renie Burghardt said...

Hey Laura,

Came to check how you fared with that dangerous weather yesterday. I read this the other day, so came back today to see, but no word yet. I sure hope you and yours are all safe.

Like Karen, who only lives about 80 miles from me, we were under a tornado watch for some time, and suddenly a tornado warning came on at 8 PM last night. My son called and ordered me into the basement. So I went and sat there for a while, then heard my weather radio say the tornado warning had expired. So I came back up, and sighed a sig of relief. We had a lot of thunderstorms still, but the biggest danger passed. Hope you are all okay.

Blessings, Renie

Mississippi Songbird said...

Hey, Laura

I'm so glad you and your family are okay after those storms.. The power people had to come and replace a trasnformer behind our house. That was part of the problem with the power we have had the past few days..
Oh, Eli Manning is such a doll. The kids and I went to a football game a few years back when he was playing and my nephew was a cheerleader for Ole Miss.
We loved when they walked though the grove and we got to cheer. That was so fun. We had a tent set up in the grove, and partied all day.What fun..
Oh, Man I wish it was warmer weather now.. But no more tornadoes and hail... That was rough.. Have a good rest of the week and stay safe...