Saturday, July 14, 2007

This the mantle peice that my Mom made for me at Christmas. I have kept up all year. I thought it was too nice and pretty to put away for another year. My Mom makes such nice stitches. I wish mine looked as good as hers. I believe she called it the 'star of bethleham'. I may be wrong on that , but I think that is what she called it. We had a little going away party last night for Jon Brandon and his friends. It was good to see all the kids that he grew up with. Tomorrow night is when the family and some more friends come and wish him off. I have had a bad day today. I cry then I cry some more. It's hard letting your


Whitney said...

It is a beautiful mantle piece. It looks like the star of Bethlehem. Give Jon Brandon our best (from cyberspace).

I am going to make your squash pickles tonight!! Yum yum.

Kim Campbell said...

Thinking of you today.