Monday, September 17, 2007

Here we are this morning sitting in line waiting for the goats eye screening. Got there at 8 am. and didn't get home till 1pm. One guy in front of us had 50+ goats on his trailer. Then when our turn came, one guy had the setting wrong on his machine and it took 15 minutes with just one goat. I finally asked this other man to come over and get the image because I was tired of fooling with this one. After we left there, we had to go and have coggins pulled on the ponies. Yup today has been a full day.


Kim Campbell said...

When we have a place where we can handle it, I want to get a goat from you!

Tina Leavy said...

goodness, I bet it felt like you was waiting at the dr's office...waiting, and waiting and waiting..yikes. well at least the tests are done now ..I bet you have let out a sigh of "thank goodness that is over"..ha.