Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Talk about it being cold. This morning it was 20 and the wind chill was 15. Brr.....
Had a wonderful time last night. Only lost that shaker of salt twice. Hey, that's good. Naw, really enjoyed the time with Lamar , just me and him. Ah, how sweet.
Went to work today and Lamar had some flowers delivered to me. My favorite, yellow roses. They were so pretty. He is the only man in my life to ever send me flowers. I complain about him but really, he is the love of my life. It's funny, for the first time in my life , I can honestly say that I love my husband.
I need to get off here and go and feed. Man, I just hate going out in the cold.
The time that I spend on here I could have a spotless house and a nice dinner cooked. Look, the good book says, from dust a man was made and man shall return to dust. Well, I can decide if someone is coming or going here at my house with all the dust that is here. haha

1 comment:

Tracey said...

Sigh. Jealous. There's been nothing delivered here to me today. No note, no flowers, not even a good morning smooch.

Glad you and Lamar had a good evening!