Saturday, February 17, 2007

Well, another weekend where Jon Brandon survived, I survived and the bull survived. He looked better this time than last time and lasted longer too. I am very proud of myself for I didn't get to upset and didn't climb the fence . Two of the guys that I grew up with and they rodeo were down in the chutes with him and pulled his rope so I felt better when they were with him. I knew they wouldn't let anything happen to him. He rode for a little of 5 seconds, I know , that's 3 seconds to short but man, do you actually know how long 5 seconds feel when your child is on the back of a 1300lb bull that is slinging snot everywhere and has the look of kill in their eyes?!!!
It was nearly a 2 hour drive. It took longer to get there than it did watching the rodeo. I got home around 12 last night or this morning just however you want to look at it.
I need to be cleaning house but took a break. Hey, I deserve it. Dust, take a break, put clothes in washer, take a break, put clothes in dryer, take a break, sweep, take a break, vacum, take a break. Get the picture. I HATE HOUSEWORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Beemoosie said...

hey take all the breaks you want, honey! hehe! Just noticed you are a John Wayne fan too! I thought I was the only woman, but I have found a couple this week with a movie mentioned here or there!
We like drag racing too!

Tracey said...

Five seconds is an enormous amount of time! Congrats to JB for staying on that long...and to you for staying on your side of the fence that long :)