Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Okay, I was asked to give up some stories on us 3 girls. One time, T-ree, the baby, wanted to drive down to pick up the mail. So, she jumps in the car, ( didn't know how to drive at the time, but got behind the wheel anyway) heads down the driveway wide open and hits the mailbox. It tears up the mailbox and scratches mom's car. When Dad seen the mailbox, T-ree blamed the mailman. Then she blamed me for the scratches. Boy, did that bring the fight on. We wasn't the type to pull hair or bite. We slung fists and feet. I remember one time when Dad was gone on a run and at that time he was gone for several weeks at a time, the cows kept getting out. So what did us 3 girls do? We loaded up every cow on the place and hauled them to the salebarn. Sold everyone of them. When Dad got home, he was MAD. It had gotten where we was late for school every morning cause the cows kept getting out and we had to get them up. So, we solved that problem , we sold them.Needless to say, after that, anything we took to the salebarn, the man who owned the salebarn had to get the okay from Dad before we could unload them.
I have tooo many to tell at one posting. I will try to post later on today more on goats.


Tina Leavy said...

oh my goodness. can't believe ya'll did that with the cows. land sakes alive. lol

Beemoosie said...

Oh my goodness, look at all I missed being an only child!!
I am so glad the surgery went well! God has a plan for you, girl, don't give up!