Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I hate to talk about anyone but my friend that had goat problems, well......, sometimes I wonder if he has enough sense to get out of the rain. When he called he said that something was wrong with the goat. He was afraid the baby had died in the womb. I grabbed my bag and ran out the door , drove crazy, was worried what I was getting into, and get there. Dumb Harry, the goat was just beginning to labor, it was the sack he seen, about 30 minutes later, 2 twin girls hit the ground. I couldn't help but laugh. Sometimes I wonder about men.......


Tina Leavy said...

Lol that is funny. guess he hadn't seen that too many times. LOL

Kim Campbell said...

LOLOLOL! It would be different if they had to give birth I guess!