Wednesday, June 13, 2007

My house in total choas. I have clothes up the wall that needs to be washed, floors that need vacum, beds that need to be made, dusting needs to be done, floors need to be swept, dishes that need to be put away and dishwasher loaded, and yet I sit here on the cumputer. Wonder why? Maybe tomorrow I will get to the things that needed to be done. yeah, right been saying that for a while. Oh, toliets that need to be scrub. I have better things to do. I'm trying to figure out what my life is to be. I'm at a dead still on trying to find a job. I think that is what is depressing me. That and JB will be leaving soon. It just seems that the day is getting closer and closer and I can't stop time. Why can't I turn back the hand on the time clock and go back when he was little and trully learn to enjoy those moments? Why do I have to grow old and he has to grow up? Why can't I trully express what love and admiration that I have for him? Why can't I express that to each one of my kids? They now that I do love them but do they really know how much? Does each one of them trully know how much joy and love they have brought into my life? Sure I tell them but do they really hear me?
It seems that life passes by way to quickly . I have decided today that no matter what I'm going to write a personal letter to each one of the 6 kids and tell them how I feel. It will be a personal written letter. I will pour my heart out to each one. Life is to short to let a day pass without expressing your love and well being. I will also let my DH know that I love and apperciate him too. Who knows what tomorrow will bring? Who knows how long we have on this earth? I do know one thing, when my time comes for me to go home, I want my family and friends to know that they were loved. Yes, I have been angry with DH for he feels like I'm not doing my part with the household by not bringing in income. I have said some mean things to him but he has made me feel like I was a failure and the only reason we have a marriage is to help pay bills. Yes, i have faults , a whole lot of them, and I ask for forgiveness and to help me overcome them. Maybe I don't show DH how much Ilove him and apperciate him. I have prayed and prayed for some answers. I guess only time will tell. Oh, I'm not talking about divorce, for the old coot is stuck with me. I just need to know where I fit in. What my roles are. I have tried to show him a Christian wife and mother but I just don't know whatelse to do.


Whitney said...

Okay, lots of things.

First, join the club with the house, laundry, cleaning, etc. My house is the same way but still I sit at the computer too.

Second, I think writing a letter to each one of the kids is a great idea. I think I will do the same for mine from time to time too.

Third, you need to have a total sit down with your husband. I don't get this no bringing in income for the house. Come on, you just lost your job. You need a little while to get another job. You applied for unemployment and are looking but a few days is not enough time. Plus, he should appreciate everything you do for him and the house and kids. EVERY LITTLE THING. If he doesn't then he needs some talking to. If he starts looking at the things you DO do and not focus on the things that aren't done yet then you both will get along much better. Plus, when have you had the time? Didn't he ask you to go to the hospital with him the other day to sit while his son was having surgery. If he wanted the house, laundry and a new job then he shouldn't have taken all your time that day. He sounds bitter to me about something and he sounds like he is taking it out on you. Sometimes that happens in our house and I ask my husband to please not take his anger at what ever it was on me. When he realizes that he is fussing at me for no reason it usually stops quickly and the focus moves toward the real problem and not what or who he is projecting on. Maybe some counseling might help you all get better focused. Just some thoughts...take them for what they are worth... :)

Tina Leavy said...

so sorry that you have been feeling down about a few things..well, alright..more than a few things.
I do hope that things start looking up. Maybe on the house stuff can you set on some lively music, make a list and tackle your least fun project first..then set aside a certain time of the day just for yourself..and when the clock gets to that time that is your special time just for you.
I think if you make to do lists every day, and put on your favorite music that gets ya going..that you can get those things done. I guess it's called "picking yourself up by the boostraps, brushing off and determining that can do it" you can bring the order back.
I hope that things get better with you and the hubby. I say just give him an extra hug and kiss every now and then, and just make sure that you do try to do some of the things on your list.
Keep your chin up.
I think your idea for the letters to the kids is a great one.
they do grow up so fast.
Anyhow..I really hope things get better real soon. hugs, Tina